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What is an HPI Check?

hpi check

What is an HPI Check?

The chances are that ever since you bought your first used car, you’ve read that you should invest in a pre-purchase HPI Check. And so you should. We might be a bit biased when it comes to offering such advice, but there are sound reasons why we have faith in our product; we can give … Continued

car breakdown

How to deal with a motorway breakdown

Motorways are our safest roads. Despite the number of vehicles they carry and the high speeds usually involved, there are fewer crashes and casualties on motorways than on any other type of road. However, those high speeds and the fact that many drivers leave no room for error mean that you’re generally only safe when … Continued

top car maintenance

Top car maintenance tips

The holiday season is upon us and the chances are you’ve not checked your car’s tyre pressures or fluid levels since, well, ever. Let’s face it, you’ve always got something better to do than crawl around your car making sure it’s not about to expire in a cloud of steam. But neglect your car and … Continued

Parking ticket appeal

How to appeal a parking ticket

In 2014/15, local councils made £693m profit from parking fines across the UK. That’s not the turnover – it’s what was left after the costs had been paid of issuing the estimated 10 million or so tickets issued. Top of the league table was Westminster, which made over £46m profit on its own. With one … Continued